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Countdown to Christmas

Uhh - jeder Tag zählt! Mit Hilfe unserer Adventskalender geht die Zeit bis zum Weihnachtsfest sicherlich etwas schneller vorbei!

Countdown to Christmas

Advent Calendars for the Christmas Season

It's happening - the time has come: the days are being counted again! What for? Christmas! Our Advent calendars are the perfect means for a countdown. Care to see the varieties?

Our latest addition is the Advent calendar with cork. They come in round or square - great for hiding small gifts.

Or choose a calendar without gifts, one that focuses on the days passing by? Check out our marble Advent calendar. Watch Advent fly by as you place a marble in the dent every day of December. Keep track of time!

Vouchers are also a handy Advent calendar content as our wooden voucher calendar proves: Leave a small or big surprise for every day of Advent - get creative!

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